Thursday, October 24, 2019

5 Things to keep in mind before you start using QuickBooks

Accounting software plays a major role in each and every business and it is necessary to maintain all the transactions for further reference and tax refund. There is a possibility of data loss due to a simple mistake while installing and setting up the software on your system with no support. Hence, while migrating or upgrading to better accounting software like QuickBooks, it is very essential that you take care of the following things.

QuickBooks Software

1. Update Previous records

While setting up the new company, you need to keep a record of all the past balance sheets, profit, and loss reports. While making the Company file, you can go to the Chart of Accounts and then organize it. QuickBooks has the additional function that will create a Chart of Accounts automatically when you create a company according to the field and business type.

2. Choose your financial year

It will be wise to start using QuickBooks according to the financial year cycle of your country. If you purchased QuickBooks in the month of March and the financial year started in January, then it is advisable to enter all the transaction details from the month of January. It is a good practice having a clean start or a full-fledged start for the financial year.

3. Customize templates for Invoice, Journals

You need to ensure that your brand logo and company details are mentioned on each invoice that you send to your clients and customers. Hence it is essential to customize the Invoice. You also need to take care of the Local rules set up by the Federal tax authorities and the structure that they need for the Tax Invoices. In UAE, the TAX Invoice needs additional columns for Amount inclusive of Tax for each column and other few details that are not included in the QuickBooks software. We provide additional software that works parallel with the QuickBooks desktop application. It can be used to print the invoices according to the UAE FTA rules.

4. Setup Items/Goods/Services that you offer

You need to specify all the goods, items and services that you provide along with the price that it is offered at. This will help you to prepare the invoices, journals, purchase orders, and estimates. You need to add all the items of your inventory and manage them wisely so that it is clear for reference by your managers and other teams.

5. Setup Tax Settings

Always choose the right country while setting up your company as this cannot be changed later on. Also, you need to set the taxes and the percentage of tax that is applicable to each good. QuickBooks will automatically calculate and give you the VAT amount charged on the tax invoice that is generated.
We at Peniel technology LLC provide full support and training for QuickBooks and help our clients who purchase the product from us with the installation and initial setup for their company according to their functioning and field of service. If you have any doubts and queries, we can help you out. Contact us by filling the form on the Contact us page or via the Chat column that is on our homepage.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

5 Ways in which HR Software will Reward your Business.

Managing your resources wisely and effectively will help you conquer great problems with fewer resources. The real problem is to use the right resource for the right task. These resources consist of Money, Material, and Men (Human Resource). The company that can play the right cards at the right time by managing these resources, will be the winner. Among these factors, Human resource management plays a very important factor.
Keeping the employees satisfied and occupied with rewarding roles will in return increase their productivity and trust in the company. With the help of automation and software, managing things has just become way easier. Human resource management software comes with all the tools and functions that will help HR executives to execute their responsibilities faster.
Here are a few ways by which your business will flourish if you invest in human resource management software.
HR and Payroll Software Dubai, UAE

1. Know your Talent Pool.

All the employees are talented in various fields that you might not be aware of. When there are a new requirement and a new position opening in your organization, you can easily hunt for new talent in your existing database of the software. All the specializations and fields of interest are recorded of every employee in the HR software for proper management of the task force.
This function plays a key role in assigning new positions and roles to your existing employees and also helps while giving promotions and transfers. Smart HR software solutions will help you by suggesting employees that would aptly fill the vacancy or the new role. If an employee takes a leave, you will be notified by the system and the software itself can suggest people who can fill in the gap.

2. Smart Work

HR systems will empower your employees with many functions to perform better. Though the Employee self-service portal, the employee can log in to the online portal to notify if he/she is planning to take a leave, request for holidays, request for vacation, health problems, or even half days. Requests and complaints that are faced by the staff can be made known to the higher authorities instantly.
You will be able to create project teams easily with the help of this software. All the vital details of the team members and the talent and responsibilities required to complete the project will be managed and handled by the software.
Various notifications of the upcoming events, projects, submission, training, and other activities will be notified to the employees via the mobile version.

3. Consolidated Database of Employees

Keeping a tab of all the details of your employees on a spreadsheet is very inefficient and might be at the risk of getting deleted or outdated due to human error or other factors. You are unable to keep the same field opened on multiple computers for data entry and some vital data might go missing.
Using a reliable Human resource software solution, you will be able to enter all the data into the system from various trusted sources and computers. This will help you to maintain all the data in order.

4. Automated Reports

Each month-end or end of the sales quarter, you can get reports of each employee and their contribution to the growth of the Company. This will help to evaluate each employee for promotion or a pay-raise. Also, the system will generate insightful reports on how past performance.
The payroll function of the HR software will help you to see how many holidays were taken by the employees and the attendance record. The software will help you to calculate the salary after all the deductions and the bonus that needs to be given to each employee.

5. Employee Data Security

All the details of your employees will be stored safely in encrypted format in the cloud or on a local computer at your office. Elate HRMS gives you the feature to access this database securely. You can specify the level of access each employee gets into the database. This will ensure the integrity of the company data and the privacy of each employee’s personal information.
Investing in an HR and Payroll system is wise for your business growth and Peniel technology provides HR and Payroll management solutions in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and across UAE.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Best Accounting Software Solutions used in Dubai, UAE

Accounting software plays an important factor in business growth and development. Hence it is very necessary to choose the right accounting software which will make your accounting easy for you and also show you the business trends and analysis. Accounting software should not be restricted to accounting work only, but it should be able to print vouchers, payment details, give business insights, generate reports that are customizable, should be able to give you good insights and progress of your business, and help you take better decisions in future. Here are the best accounting software used in UAE and preferred by many businesses and organizations across Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and other Emirates. These Accounting Software are VAT compliant which will help you to carry out transactions smoothly and helps you calculate the tax refunds and other expenditures wisely. Following are Best Accounting software Solutions used in Dubai UAE.

1. Intuit QuickBooks

Known for its easy User Experience and simple User Interface, QuickBooks is a powerful accounting software equipped with many features and functions to run your business smoothly. Quickbooks has 3 main versions. The UK, US, and Canada. Only the UK version supports VAT functionality while the US does not support VAT functionality. Hence the UK Version is the preferred version of QuickBooks in UAE.

Quickbooks has the following editions.
QuickBooks Pro.
Quickbooks Premier.
Quickbooks Enterprise.

Quickbooks Pro is the base edition that is suitable for all the basic accounting functionality used by a small business and start-ups. Some of the features include Inventory tracker, Sales tax tracker, Invoicing, Manage bills and other payables, Track Income, and Expenses.

Quickbooks Premier is the Industry level accounting software used by many industrial business and factories. This edition has the features and functions of the pro version and additional features like Units of Measurements, Flexible pricing for different customers, financial forecasting, Create backorders and a few other features.

QuickBooks Enterprise edition is only available in the US version and not available in the UK version. This edition is subscription-based software, where you have to pay monthly subscription fees to use the software.

There is also a Quickbooks Accountant edition which is useful and relevant only for Auditors and Chartered accountants.

If you are unable to decide which version suits your organization the best you can contact us and our expert technicians to guide you. You can always upgrade from the pro version to premier version and then to enterprise version as and when you want. So QuickBooks is Best Accounting software Solutions used in Dubai UAE.

2. Tally.ERP 9

This software has the power of a full-fledged ERP software and has many features packed into it. It comes in a standard package that contains all the features together. You can later enable and disable the features that you want. The tally comes in two versions.
Silver Edition (Single User)
Gold Edition (Multi-User)

Tally now comes with additional features like remote access and encryption technology. It is installed on your desktop or on your server for multiple access.

Tally covers all accounting activities of your company
Maintain Stock
VAT calculation
Prepare Financial Report
Cheque Management
Maintain an account of all Customer and supplier
Generating invoices
Loan and advances

Tally User interface is very basic and fast to use. You can operate it with the help of a keyboard only and navigate around it easily. It has a drill-down feature that helps you analyze reports and know the growth of the business organization. This accounting software also has the VAT enabled the feature which is good for the UAE tax validation and refunds. So Tally ERP 9 is the Best Accounting Software Solutions used in Dubai UAE.

3. Sage:

Previously, Sage had products like Sage 50 US, Sage 50 UK, Peachtree, and other accounting software, but now they have discontinued these products. They have currently moved everything online and have changed the mode of payment to a subscription basis, where you have to pay annually. This product is very cost-efficient and gives you many features at the best prices in the market.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

5 Easy ways to Attract and Retain Customers

1. Do things that set you Apart

For any company to flourish in the market, it should have unique products or services to maintain its identity among its competitors. Do things that are new and innovative for the market and customers will be attracted to you. Your products and service should be able to make customers flock to you rather than going to your competitors.
By things, I mean, innovative products with features, better quality, competitive pricing, faster response and delivery, highly reliable products and prompt actions are taken on demand of the customers. Do not follow the rat race or the customary marketing of products that will not make any new achievements in the market.

2. Give Attention to all inquiries

When potential customers contact you, it is your responsibility to hear their requirements and demands they need. The customer seeks attention and wants to be heard. Prompt response and polite replies will make the customer more inclined towards you. With this leverage, you can approach the customer and transform this new lead into a loyal customer. Make a note of all the promises and deals that you make with the new customer to strengthen the bond between you and the customer.
With the helpful tools like the Elate CRM, you can systematically keep a record of all the customers that contacted you, leads that were generated by the sales teams, customer details along with the products that they were interested in and the products that they have purchased from you.

3. Regular Follow-Ups

After sending quotations and invoices to all the inquiries, it is needful to do regular follow-ups for the same. Once you send the quotation, the client will expect you to contact them to close the deal. They will also anticipate making negotiations with the price or add complementary products or services with the purchase. Contacting the client needs to be done within a few days or they will lose patience and move on with other deals provided by your competitors.
After sending quotations and invoices to all the inquiries, it is needful to do regular follow-ups for the same. Once you send the quotation, the client will expect you to contact them to close the deal. They will also anticipate making negotiations with the price or add complementary products or services with the purchase. Contacting the client needs to be done within a few days or they will lose patience and move on with other deals provided by your competitors.
Elate CRM Software helps you regularly do the follow-ups by assigning each client to a sales executive and remind them to contact the clients along with the details of their queries and their past interactions data.

4. Keep all your clients happy

According to the recent research conducted in the market, every year an average business loses about 28% of its customers because the business was negligent to take follow-ups and feedback from the customers. This leads to the shrinking customer base and needs for hunting now customers that require more resources.
A satisfied customer is a great asset to the company while a dissatisfied customer can cause damage to its reputation. It takes lesser efforts to sell products to your existing customer than selling products to new clients. To maintain healthy relations with the customers, it is essential to use smart tools and software to maintain systematic records of all your customers.
Small businesses and start-ups need to be in good terms with the newly acquired customers and maintain good relations with them. It is said that a loyal customer has the potential to refer your company to 3 other new customers in the market. Word of mouth is the best advertising means by which the organization gets recognition in the market.

5. Stay Updated

You will need to constantly update yourself with the market and do the needful research associated with it. This will ensure that you stay ahead in the game and stay with the trends in the market and cater to all the new demands that the market require.
You also need to use updated tools for customer management, sales, product management, inventory management and so on. Use of traditional tools and outdated sheets won’t help you progress in the market. Latest tools will help you progress as they use the latest resources and harness artificial intelligence to prepare smart graphs and tools to predict future trends and market.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software is the ultimate solution to boost your sales figures while helping you keep track of your customers and provide constant support when needed. Companies use the CRM software to manage and analyze customer interactions with the company and get reports that will reflect the reasons for sales growth or decline. This will help you make better judgments and decisions for your company’s progress. CRM System are aimed to compile the potential customer’s basic information and requirements so that the company can provide the best products and services to them and eventually increase the customer base in your field. Keep a record of all your point of contacts, to observe which source of contact is the best choice and on which channel you need to invest more. These channels may be the Advertisement on primetime television, Google ads, digital marketing, direct mails, Company Websites and social media. CRM is very easy to learn and has a smooth User Interface. This CRM Software is designed to be the Best CRM in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and across UAE.

CRM Dubai, UAE - Elate CRM

The CRM Interface shows all vital statistics and graphs comprehensible at a single glance which will help your sales representatives and receptionist to perform their duties faster and meet their sales targets given to them. This CRM software will ensure that you can keep an organized records of all your customers and potential customers while reminding you to communicate with them via e-mails, calls, text messages and social media. This guarantees that you have a good customer relations, which in return will elevate your brand name and value. You can use CRM software for small business as well as a large scale business and it will help you build a satisfied customer base and help you take your profits to the next level. We are CRM Software dealer, providing CRM Solution DubaiCRM Solution UAE, along with other management software solutions. As a CRM Solution provider company in Dubai, UAE, we provide additional support and services with annual maintenance checks for our customers.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Benefits of an ERP to the Management

Highlight the benefits and equally the risks
There are benefits that come from implementing an ERP, but also lots of risks that come from avoiding one: Your staff is forced to spend extra time on routine administrative tasks, and there is the persistent problem of entering the wrong data. Plus, your competitors are likely using an ERP. Trying to get by without one puts you at a strategic disadvantage that only grows over time.
Show them the cost savings on a long term
Every ERP delivers a different ROI, but in almost all cases it’s substantial. The members of your upper management are obviously interested in cutting costs and maximizing revenue. ERP increases productivity while allowing staff to work more efficiently. In dozens of ways, that leads to more profit for the company. Stress that an ERP is an investment that quickly pays for itself. For example, in one ERP case study from cloud provider Kenandy, the solution directly led to a 45 percent reduction in IT costs, a substantial win for any organization.
Showcase streamlined processes
Upper management may not know how cumbersome your current accounting, financing, and inventory software is. Show them how much time is wasted on repetitive tasks, and then show them how those routines would change with an ERP in place. Emphasize that this is not a drastically new way of operating. It simply eliminates the least necessary and most time-consuming aspects of your workflow.
Focus on Consumers/Customers
Even though customers don’t work directly with an ERP, it has a big impact on the customer experience. With an ERP you are more likely to offer fair pricing, deliver a consistent product, and meet your shipping deadlines. Customers reward that kind of consistency by placing bigger orders more often. If you have a CRM, pairing it with an ERP is more or less a necessity.
Transparency should be praised
It can be hard for upper management to understand how the real-time data sharing enabled by an ERP improves the way staff approaches their responsibilities. Make the case that an ERP introduces a level of transparency that is conspicuously lacking right now. When everyone has instant access to the most relevant and accurate data, they can push projects forward to completion rather than waiting for updates to be shared. At its core, an ERP is a tool for more efficient collaboration.
Emphasize implementation
Executives can be gun-shy about a major new tech initiative out of fear that the implementation process will be expensive, drawn out, and plagued by problems. Address this fear head-on by describing the implementation process and how relatively quick and simple it can be. Upper management will be more willing to consider an ERP once they’re sure that the implementation will not be a major disruption.
Stress intangibles
When making your case you should have data to back up all of your assertions. However, don’t avoid stressing that an ERP provides many intangible and unpredictable benefits. Since it improves just about everything – productivity, efficiency, consistency, and collaboration – it puts your staff and your company in a position to be its best.
Getting your upper management to sign off on an ERP is a big step, but even more important is getting them to buy in. If they are genuinely enthusiastic about the project and its potential, they will be a lot more likely to authorize the necessary time and resources and commit to using the ERP to its fullest. It’s your job to show them that introducing an ERP isn’t just an improvement, it’s a revolution.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Accounting Software in Dubai - Peniel Technology LLC

Peniel Technology LLC is the best solution provider for ERP, CRM, and HCM in UAE. We are the trustworthy suppliers of any kind of accounting software in Dubai, UAE, Bahrain, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and all other Middle East. Our main objective is to organize, strategize and implement solutions to your business of with Tally.ERP 9Intuit QuickBooks, Sage 50 US, Sage 50 UK, Sage 100, Sage 300, Elate CRM, Elate HRMS, and Elate POS, etc. We are the exclusive distributor of HRMS and Custom developed software in UAE, Oman, and Bahrain.
Tally ERP 9:


As your business grows and transcends state and international borders, you need a business accounting software tally erp9 with the support that will keep pace with your complex business demands, while simplifying growth. One that is, breathtakingly fast, amazingly powerful, immensely reliable and adapts to your business requirements easily… like the new Tally ERP 9. Powered by the breakthrough C: MuLATE (Concurrent Multi-lingual Accelerated Technology Engine), Tally ERP 9 is the result of a perfect fusion of the path-breaking Concurrent Multi-lingual Platform and Object Oriented Database Engine. Technology on which someday all business accounting solutions will be built. Powerful features and blazing speed combine with enhanced MIS, Multi-lingual and Data Synchronisation capabilities. to help empower businesses like yours. Tally ERP 9 Dealer in UAE. Tally.ERP 9 is the world’s fastest and most powerful concurrent Multi-lingual business Accounting and Inventory Management software. Tally.ERP 9, designed exclusively to meet the needs of small and medium businesses, is fully integrated.

Accounting Software QuickBooks:


While there are different bookkeeping programming merchants, for instance, Peachtree or Tally, bits of knowledge exhibit QuickBooks speaks to 94 percent of all autonomous wander accounting programming bargains. With in excess of 4.3 million customers around the globe, QuickBooks is the business accounting programming to enable you to get dealt with save time and benefit and unravel what you do every day. QuickBooks in Dubai has been perceived as the most complete and easy to use cash related programming thing open. QuickBooks offers a broad extent of cash related programming programs that are expertly planned to meet each QuickBooks Financial Software accounting need of all the little, medium and far-reaching associations that depend on upon master programming game plans reliably. QuickBooks is moreover a magnificent response for private endeavors since they offer such an assortment of different versions to fit anyone’s needs. Despite whether you’re as of late start and need to endeavor their Simple Start frame or you’re a readied master that needs the impelled components of Premier, QuickBooks has a variation some individual at each level. Additionally, with their on the web and cross breed organizations, you can without quite a bit of an extend refresh or cut back to a substitute variant.QuickBooks Dubai is the most normally used free organization accounting and cash related organization programming far and wide. Unmistakable types of QuickBooks are available for Windows and for Macs, and QuickBooks is open as an electronic variation of QuickBooks UK. All types of QuickBooks allow customers to organize their reserve, track arrangements, and customer information and offer reports to managing the business and serving their customers. A couple of components, for instance, Inventory following, are limited to specific adjustments of QuickBooks or work differently in different interpretations of QuickBooks.

Sage CRM:

sage crm

Over 15,000 small and medium-sized companies across the globe use Sage CRM every day to accelerate sales, drive business productivity and make every customer interaction count. It is used by enterprising, growing companies seeking new ways to interact with customers, leverage the power of social media and take advantage of the latest mobile developments to further grow their business. When combined with sage ERP, Our customers enjoy better business insight, increased efficiencies and productivity, and gain a single, customer-centric view across their entire business. So whether you’re just starting out or have already grown to several hundred employees, Sage CRM can help accelerate your business success.

Sage 300 ERP:

sage 300 erp

Whether your business has one or several locations in the same city or across international borders, Sage 300 ERP helps you manage finances, operations, and inventory in multiple languages and currencies. With real-time, mobile access and visibility across your entire company to keep your business on track, We offer sage 300 ERP in Dubai, UAE

HRMS and Payroll Software:

hrms payroll software

HRMS & Payroll software availed by us is capable of assisting customers in all the basic and even complex business requirements based on the editions they choose. The software is extremely scalable and very flexible. Effectively manage different processes including employee tracking, applicant tracking, performance evaluations, benefits organization, payroll systems as well as time and attendance, etc.

Best Accounting Software in UAE - Peniel Technology LLC

Peniel Technology LLC is the best solution provider for ERP, CRM, and HCM in UAE. We are the trustworthy suppliers of any kind of accounting software in Dubai, UAE, Bahrain, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and all other Middle East. Our main objective is to organize, strategize and implement solutions to your business of with Tally.ERP 9Intuit QuickBooks, Sage 50 US, Sage 50 UK, Sage 100, Sage 300, Elate CRM, Elate HRMS, and Elate POS, etc. We are the exclusive distributor of HRMS and Custom developed software in UAE, Oman, and Bahrain.
Tally ERP 9:


As your business grows and transcends state and international borders, you need a business accounting software tally erp9 with the support that will keep pace with your complex business demands, while simplifying growth. One that is, breathtakingly fast, amazingly powerful, immensely reliable and adapts to your business requirements easily… like the new Tally ERP 9. Powered by the breakthrough C: MuLATE (Concurrent Multi-lingual Accelerated Technology Engine), Tally ERP 9 is the result of a perfect fusion of the path-breaking Concurrent Multi-lingual Platform and Object Oriented Database Engine. Technology on which someday all business accounting solutions will be built. Powerful features and blazing speed combine with enhanced MIS, Multi-lingual and Data Synchronisation capabilities. to help empower businesses like yours. Tally ERP 9 Dealer in UAE. Tally.ERP 9 is the world’s fastest and most powerful concurrent Multi-lingual business Accounting and Inventory Management software. Tally.ERP 9, designed exclusively to meet the needs of small and medium businesses, is fully integrated.

Accounting Software QuickBooks:


While there are different bookkeeping programming merchants, for instance, Peachtree or Tally, bits of knowledge exhibit QuickBooks speaks to 94 percent of all autonomous wander accounting programming bargains. With in excess of 4.3 million customers around the globe, QuickBooks is the business accounting programming to enable you to get dealt with save time and benefit and unravel what you do every day. QuickBooks in Dubai has been perceived as the most complete and easy to use cash related programming thing open. QuickBooks offers a broad extent of cash related programming programs that are expertly planned to meet each QuickBooks Financial Software accounting need of all the little, medium and far-reaching associations that depend on upon master programming game plans reliably. QuickBooks is moreover a magnificent response for private endeavors since they offer such an assortment of different versions to fit anyone’s needs. Despite whether you’re as of late start and need to endeavor their Simple Start frame or you’re a readied master that needs the impelled components of Premier, QuickBooks has a variation some individual at each level. Additionally, with their on the web and cross breed organizations, you can without quite a bit of an extend refresh or cut back to a substitute variant.QuickBooks Dubai is the most normally used free organization accounting and cash related organization programming far and wide. Unmistakable types of QuickBooks are available for Windows and for Macs, and QuickBooks is open as an electronic variation of QuickBooks UK. All types of QuickBooks allow customers to organize their reserve, track arrangements, and customer information and offer reports to managing the business and serving their customers. A couple of components, for instance, Inventory following, are limited to specific adjustments of QuickBooks or work differently in different interpretations of QuickBooks.

Sage CRM:

sage crm

Over 15,000 small and medium-sized companies across the globe use Sage CRM every day to accelerate sales, drive business productivity and make every customer interaction count. It is used by enterprising, growing companies seeking new ways to interact with customers, leverage the power of social media and take advantage of the latest mobile developments to further grow their business. When combined with sage ERP, Our customers enjoy better business insight, increased efficiencies and productivity, and gain a single, customer-centric view across their entire business. So whether you’re just starting out or have already grown to several hundred employees, Sage CRM can help accelerate your business success.

Sage 300 ERP:

sage 300 erp

Whether your business has one or several locations in the same city or across international borders, Sage 300 ERP helps you manage finances, operations, and inventory in multiple languages and currencies. With real-time, mobile access and visibility across your entire company to keep your business on track, We offer sage 300 ERP in Dubai, UAE

HRMS and Payroll Software:

hrms payroll software

HRMS & Payroll software availed by us is capable of assisting customers in all the basic and even complex business requirements based on the editions they choose. The software is extremely scalable and very flexible. Effectively manage different processes including employee tracking, applicant tracking, performance evaluations, benefits organization, payroll systems as well as time and attendance, etc.