Friday, September 16, 2022

ERP VS CRM: Which is Superior?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Software and customer relationship management(CRM) software are often the two main software options that businesses choose when attempting to automate essential business processes.


CRM UAE helps organizations manage how customers interact with their businesses.

While ERP connects financial and operational systems to a single database to help businesses run successfully.

Both are essential data storage facilities.

Both ERP Dubai and CRM encompass multiple departments, despite occasionally using the same platform.

The software is frequently bought separately and then integrated as needed.

To determine whether a firm requires ERP, CRM, or both, this article will highlight the important similarities and differences between CRM and ERP.

Let’s talk about customer relationships Management (CRM) –

Customer Relationship Management or CRM Software UAE is a piece of software that assists a business in connecting with current and potential clients.

This customer relationship management (CRM) program controls, automates and coordinates sales.

The goal of creating such an application is to bring up and delight prospect leads, which aids the company’s growth in sales and general performance.

Following are some key features of CRM :

  • All of the client services are centralized using this program.
  • This is utilized to oversee and manage the organization’s operations.
  • It helps in increasing the performance of sales.
  • Primarily focused on customers.

What is ERP?

Material needs planning (MRP), which allowed manufacturers to comprehend and manage all the resources required to run a successful business, gave rise to enterprise resource planning (ERP).

All elements of a company use ERP as a shared database.

Fundamentally, this refers to money matters, such as the general ledger (GL), payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial reporting.

ERP, however, encompasses data about service organizations as well as inventory management, order management, supply chain management, and data management.

ERP covers all aspects of production, distribution, fulfillment, and procurement.

Some ERP systems additionally provide e-commerce, CRM, and human resources management systems (HRMS).

CRM Advantages –

The main goal of CRM is to provide businesses with a single location to store all client information and also to keep track of all customer interactions.

With this knowledge and the aid of analytics, organizations can make better choices regarding which consumers to target for increased revenue and the effectiveness of their sales teams.

And also it is the most effective way to provide customer service and more.

For instance, sales representatives will be able to respond appropriately if consumers they are visiting have open customer support tickets thanks to a centralized CRM system.

As an alternative, customer service can identify callers who are high-value customers or who have the potential to be high-value customers rapidly and direct them to the proper service tier.

ERP Advantages –

An ERP system’s advantages derive from having a single, common database for all operational and financial data.

This has a significant impact on reporting, including both routine monthly reports and special reports that leadership requests.

Employees may drill down into reports to find financial insights thanks to a single source of operational and financial data, eliminating the requirement for IT or finance teams to perform the research and reporting.

As a result, firms can take quicker, data-supported decisions that can affect a variety of factors, including profitability, potential for future growth, and organizational efficiency.

A quicker financial close is another advantage that businesses commonly list when switching to an ERP system.

At the end of each month or quarter, finance teams typically tabulate the results after accounting for all revenue and expenses, a process known as closing the books.

When using spreadsheets or basic accounting software, closing the books often involves a lot of human labor, data entry, and contacting several departments for financial data.

Companies have claimed shorter monthly close times thanks to centralized ERP systems that automate many of those procedures; this task may now only take a week or a few days.

Additionally, ERP systems greatly improve the financial controls within a firm.

Only employees with the appropriate job functions have access to critical information using a centralized system and role-based permissions, enhancing audit trails and lowering financial risk.

Difference between the ERP and CRM –

ERP software solutions assist businesses in managing their business operations.CRM is the name of the program that streamlines customer communications with the business.
All the processes are streamlined using a centralized system.The only channel for converting customers into potential clients is CRM.
The term “ERP super set” refers to SAP.It is a division of SAP.
ERP systems are more concerned with increasing organizational productivity and cutting costs.CRM solutions are centered on the interactions between customers and the business.
  • CRM software systems do not contain ERP components, however, some ERP systems contain CRM, while others do not.

Which one, ERP or CRM, is superior?

ERP software Dubai has features like

Accounting – It is one of the features of ERP; it offers multi-currency accounting capabilities as well as tax calculation, information, bank, and payment settlement tools

HR and Payroll – This feature enables you to create and manage employee payrolls and tax regulations.

Manufacturing – Using a production and planning system, ERP enables you to plan your inventory and material.

CRM – It also assists in organizing all client interactions and relationships for your business.

Projects – You can specify and assign tasks to projects, as well as record time for work performed on tasks, using this feature.

CRM software UAE has features like –

Businesses in the UAE use CRM software to track and analyze client contacts, as well as to generate reports that explain why sales are increasing or decreasing.

  1. CRM Dashboard – The Customer Relationship Management or CRM software UAE Dashboard will offer you a brief overview of all the significant sales statistics and metrics, goals to be met, and also the productivity of all of your company’s sales leaders.
  2. Lead management – This section has to be updated with all of the leads that the sales representatives have generated. Also, this allows you to keep track of every possible consumer and their pertinent data.
  3. Opportunity management in CRM – The marketing team’s produced leads can be qualified and advanced to the opportunity stage. You may now screen out potential clients and the deals they are interested in. Thus, the sales team can communicate with customers directly and provide them with product estimates.

ERP software Dubai can manage Accounting, HR and payroll, sales and purchasing, projects, and customer management. Because some ERP software includes CRM so you can manage the customers also. However, CRM can only manage the relationship with customers.

9 Biggest Property Management Challenges

A third-party contractor’s daily control over residential, commercial, or industrial real estate is known as property management.

What is property management’s main advantage?

The owner’s peace of mind is unquestionably the biggest advantage of having a property managed.

Knowing that an unbiased third party is defending their assets, deposits, and tenants, landlords may unwind.

Additionally, Property managers will handle and manage any potential day-to-day issues that may emerge, which can be time-consuming.

real estate property management software - penieltech

Property Management challenges –

In particular, if you don’t have a full property management system, you probably already understand all the aches and advantages that go along with this demanding yet gratifying profession.

But no matter how many years of experience you have or how much your company has grown, every property manager eventually runs into the same problems.

Perhaps you’re beginning to contemplate issues like:

What can I do to improve as a property manager?
Why do I always lack the time?
What do I not see?

Your capacity for project management is regularly put to the test, from managing routine facility maintenance to handling financial matters.

Your ability to communicate effectively will ultimately determine the success of your organization.

As if that weren’t enough pressure, you also need to constantly monitor events.

Below is a list of the issues you’ll encounter most frequently.

Employment –

It is impossible to manage everything on your own once you begin to scale.

You must recruit and keep top-notch employees who can address rather than exacerbate your property manager’s difficulties.

Maintenance –

As if owning and renting out buildings wasn’t enough, a property manager’s list of duties always appears to include maintenance.

As soon as you finish one task, another one is waiting to take your time and attention.

Tenant –

You must take care of the people as well as your real estate holdings.

You spend a lot of your time on:

  • Locating trustworthy tenants.
  • Obtaining background information
  • Signing contracts for rental services.
  • According to client requests.
  • Interacting with the appropriate contractors.
  • Addressing problems as they appear.

Tenants should always be aware of your expectations in addition to this extensive list of obligations.

You have to enforce evictions when problems occur, which can be a complicated procedure.

Scaling –

Scaling your revenue also seems like a distant dream when you have so many chores to complete.

You must give your customers the greatest service possible to promote client recommendations, but you can’t do that until you stay on top of your to-do list.

It is a never-ending circle.

Time –

There is never enough time in the day, as every property manager will attest.

Either you are frantically attempting to make up for yesterday’s work, or you are steadily slipping behind.

Few property managers can work a rigid 9 to 5 schedule every day while still taking a full lunch break. Instead, they don’t take a lunch break and typically put in an extra two to three hours a day.

Work overload without adequate pauses will result in burnout, which will subsequently breed dissatisfaction, disappointment, and resignation.

Time management skills, adherence to policies and checklists, and management assistance are a few changes that could make this better.

Never undervalue the impact that choosing the right property and owner has on this all-too-common issue!

Cost –

The rise in additional expenditures brought on by taking on more projects is one of the toughest obstacles property management must overcome.

Tenants continue to complain, contractors need to be paid, and errors happen.

Your profit margin will soon be declining, and you and your accountant will soon be at odds.

Owners and tenants anticipate immediate communication –

It can be quite difficult when a tenant contacts property management by email, office phone call, and cell call all within 60 seconds.

The key in this situation is controlling expectations regarding the property manager’s accessibility at the beginning of your owner or renter relationship.

Dealing with violent and belligerent landlords and renters –

In property management, there will inevitably be some confrontations and disagreements when you’re dealing with an owner’s financial investment and a tenant’s residence.

One of the most frequent causes of property managers quitting their jobs is this problem alone.

Even the greatest property managers still find it challenging to deal with this issue.

Setting reasonable expectations and giving both parties an appropriate induction can help to reduce it.

Google negative reviews and social media complaints –

Because of social media, everyone has an online voice and a corresponding viewpoint today.

We are seeing an increasing number of customers voice their dissatisfaction with the services they receive, which is understandable given the fact that you cannot satisfy everyone and the rising demand for perfection and people having their “rights” met.

Accepting that internet complaints are common and that getting a negative Google review is simple (especially from a disappointed tenant who didn’t get their whole bond back) is important.

The outcome is entirely dependent on how you respond to complaints and negative web reviews, not the complaint itself.

One strategy can address each of these problems. – Elate property management software

Real estate software that runs on the cloud.

It was developed specifically to deal with the dynamic issue the real estate market is currently experiencing.

It is made up of finances, asset management, and property lease.

Real Estate Software UAE is a unique data structure that adapts to your company with powerful web tools, enabling businesses to launch online in the shortest amount of time with the most cost-effective model.

Peniel Technology is the best provider of Elate property management software.

What are the advantages of real estate management software?

Easy to Learn and Flexible –

There is no need for Expensive Training with Tenant Management Software UAE.

Moreover, the tool is adaptable enough to meet all the current needs of property owners or landlords.

Real-Time Precision –

Property management software in Dubai improves the way you communicate with your tenants.

Through automated and manual communication methods, it enables you to share information with them quickly and clearly.

Quick Access –

The software is built with speed and a database that can hold any mass data to assist you more efficiently without compromising the quality of the operation.

Highly Security –

Data security is the top requirement for real estate management software in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The software has access authorization built in to prevent information disclosure.

Customer support –

Our experts will fix your issue and lead you through the procedure. Send us an email, use the chat feature, or phone us at your convenience using the support number.

We pledge to uphold global standards and provide comprehensive technical assistance throughout the issue to help you with your problems whenever they arise.

How Today’s Rental Property Owners Are Building Great Tenant Relationships

 Owners of rental properties (property) are aware that contented tenants make for good tenants, which can pay them in the long run.

Building relationships with tenants promotes increased communication and a better overall experience for both tenants and landlords.

property management software

Let’s talk about the advantages of developing solid relationships with tenants.

Reduce Stress & Tension –

Regular communication shows that you care about your tenants, even if it’s only to check in and make sure things are going well for them.

And it’s that extra layer of care that will shield you from unneeded anxiety and stress.

They’ll Take Care of Your Property –

There are many instances where landlords had to deal with significant damage brought on by departing tenants with a grudge.

Building trusting connections with your tenants fosters mutual respect.

And even if things go wrong and you need to evict them, they’ll be less inclined to damage your property before they go if they feel like they have some sort of relationship with you.

A satisfied tenant is a sign of a strong bottom line –

Building relationships with renters requires being dependable and fulfilling your commitments.

In addition to staying long-term, content tenants make excellent references for other rental properties you have available.

Here are our top 11 strategies for fostering tenant relationships used by landlords today –

Use the right tool –

You might not be using the proper tools if you have trouble staying organized.

Rental management software that is well designed can help you stay organized and save a tonne of time.

You’ll be prepared to respond to any tenant problem in an informed way if you keep organized records and tenant files in one location.

Tenant Management Software UAE is the best way to increase sales while keeping track of your clients and offering ongoing support when necessary.

Elate TMS is the best property management software in Dubai which is used by the property owners to assemble the fundamental data and needs of the possible customers so that the business may offer the greatest services to them and subsequently grow the clientele in the industry.

This property management software TMS keeps track of every point of contact you have so you can determine which is the greatest option and where you should put more effort.

Select the Best Tenants –

Choosing the proper individual to sign your lease is the first step in establishing relationships with your tenants.

Your tenant selection procedure must eliminate candidates that could provide problems.

Follow up on background checks, credit records, and eviction histories with due diligence.

Build Rapport –

Although the connection between a landlord and a renter should always be professional, being social is not a need.

Look for areas of agreement or interests you have in common to discuss.

Ask inquiries and pay attention to your tenant’s responses.

This will establish a solid foundation for the partnership.

Expectations Must Be In Writing –

Building connections with tenants starts with a strong base of clearly stated expectations.

Both parties need to agree on what is expected of them.

Bring your best self to the table, agree on fair expectations, and put everything in writing.

If there is a disagreement, both parties will have a written record to refer to.

However, this does not imply that everything must always be formal.

A text message or email can be sent as a follow-up to a verbal exchange, and the original written agreement will still be available.

Keep Your Promises –

Make sure you follow through on any commitments you make to tenants.

Developing relationships with tenants is very difficult if your words have no meaning.

Tenants won’t believe you until you have a word that is as good as gold.

Stay open to communication –

An honest and dependable landlord maintains open lines of contact. Be accessible to your tenants and always respond to messages right away. Respond to maintenance requests and concerns right away, and never avoid having uncomfortable conversations.

Building relationships with tenants begins with prioritizing communication.

Being accessible to handle issues and queries demonstrates your interest in your tenants and desire for their satisfaction while residing on the property.

As a result, you gain the trust of your tenants and their confidence to approach you with any issues.

Be prepared –

Good communication and appropriate action might be hampered by disorganization.

It will be challenging to remain on top of everything on your to-do list if you are disorganized.

Tenants are left with the impression that they are not regarded when things slip between the gaps.

If you never seem to know what’s going on when tenants call, it will be tough to develop relationships with them.

Healthy boundaries –

The relationship between a tenant and a property owner is inherently conflictual.

The residence of the tenant is what belongs to the landlord.

While it may be tempting to check in on tenants to make sure they are taking care of your home, it’s important to keep boundaries in place.

At the beginning of the connection, decide on an inspection schedule and establish a strict minimum for visits.

Don’t call your tenants too frequently, either. Use less intrusive communication channels like email for less pressing issues.

Always adhere to the law –

Property owners must constantly follow all regulations regarding tenants and landlords.

Failure to do so may result in legal issues, but it can also erode confidence and have an impact on relationships between tenants.

Learn all applicable local, state, and federal laws, and never stray from them.

Be Receptive To Ideas –

Any landlord who is serious about cultivating connections with tenants must respect their viewpoints. The residents are in a better position to spot problems with the unit and may detect things that you might not.

Additionally, tenants are the greatest people to ask for ideas on improvements that everyone who lives there could like.

Never discount a tenant’s suggestions, no matter how flawed.

You don’t have to take every recommendation seriously and it may not always be a good idea, but you should always express your appreciation for the feedback.

Ask inquiries and encourage open communication with tenants to go one step further and collect suggestions from them.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Quick Comparison between Tally.ERP 9 and Tally Prime


Tally ERP 9: As your business grows and transcends state and international borders, you need a business accounting software tally erp9 with the support that will keep pace with your complex business demands, while simplifying growth.  Tally Prime: At Tally, we believe in the power of technology to make business owners efficient, empowered and happier, so they can focus on what matters most for their business. We design our products to focus on just that – to make our products work for you, and not the other way around.

Given below are comparison or difference of Tally features in Tally.ERP 9 and Tally Prime. The comparison will help you to seamlessly pilot through Tally Prime while checking the features in your current Tally.ERP 9.

Tally ERP 9Tally Prime
New Interactive User Interface – Tally.erp9 comes with a more of a keyboard driven interface with shortcuts and bright colour combinationNew Interactive User Interface -tally prime comes with altogether new interactive user interface with menu driven home screen making navigation easy and smooth and new colour combination consisting of blue and white backgroundn
Hassle Free Installation and Licensing – tally.erp9 can be installed using the cd or can downloaded from the tally website. the installation is simple and it would take around 60 to 90 seconds to get installed and the installer size is around 115 mbHassle Free Installation and Licensing – tallyprime is only available as download option and the installation manager is a compressed file with around 40mb and it hardly takes 30-40 seconds for the installation to be completed
Access Tally Data – tally.erp9 allows you to select data file from a single selection optionAccess Tally Data  tally prime allows the user to select data from multiple options like specify path and browse drive making it easier and simpler
Master Menus – tally.erp9 featured separate menus for accounting, inventory and payroll mastersMaster Menus – tallyprime has segregated all the masters in to one main menu and providing sub menus for each modules enabling smooth navigation
Chart of Accounts – in tally.erp9 users had to go through 3 clicks of the button to view the chart of accountsChart of Accounts – tallyprime allows the user to access the chart of accounts from one screen
Supplementary Information During Voucher Entry – in tally.erp9, the user had fill the required details and pass the complete supplementary information screenSupplementary Information During Voucher Entry – tally prime has reduced the need to enter required details which is captured in the configuration screen and get auto populated in the supplementary information screen
Voucher Entry – the user can click on the different voucher menus like accounting, inventory and payroll to enter the vouchersVoucher Entry – tally prime has one menu for voucher entry and the different vouchers can be accessed through other vouchers button on the screen enabling toggling between vouchers easy
Multi-Tasking  tally.erp9 allowed mult taksing by opening different instances of the tally applicationMulti-Tasking – multi tasking has been made very easy with the goto menu option on the top screen on the gateway of tally. now while entering vouchers, you can switch between different vouchers at the same time and also view reports real time. complete one task and then switch back to the original task.
Copy Paste Option – tally.erp9 allowed copy paste with the shortcut keys ctrl + alt +c to copy and ctrl + alt + v to paste inside.Copy Paste Option – with tally prime, you can use the universal option of ctrl + c to copy and ctrl + v to paste
Printing of Invoices – in tally.erp9, printing invoices with more items was major issue as it would run into multiple pages leaving blank spaces on the template
Printing of Invoices – tally prime has optimized invoice printing with multiple line items by allowing the user to define the necessary information that needs to be printed on the supplementary pages thus avoiding unnecessary stationery running costs
Demo LinkDemo Link


Sunday, March 7, 2021

Top 10 CRM Software in UAE for Small Business


As the technology has been updating, all types of businesses in the UAE are implementing CRM software. No matter whether the business is small or large. CRM has become the mandatory tool for every business for maintaining a healthy and productive customer relationship in the best way to ensure a bright future for the business.

Top 10 CRM Software in UAE for Small Business

Here are the Best CRM Software for 20-2021

There are many CRM Software available in UAE. But the challenge lies in picking the right CRM Software for managing their customer relations.

  1. Elate CRM
Elate CRM Software for Small Business in Dubai, UAE

ELATE CRM is the best CRM Software for small businesses. It is curated for small and growing businesses, is stress-free to set up, and has a simple layout with easy adaptability. Elate CRM software for small businesses offers many functionalities to step up your sales game. With ELATE CRM, you can exhibit a range of KPIs, charts, reports, and leader panels for better perception and trend analysis. It is tailored to access up-to-date customer data from anyplace and anytime within the business. It makes it easy to track communications over the telephone, email, or chat. It conveys relevant and engaging email marketing campaigns by automating sales tasks

  • ZOHO
Zoho CRM

Zoho is a cloud-based software suite built for the hassle-free and easy running of small businesses. The customization provided by Zoho is very easy to manage and can be modified according to the specific need of a business. This software offers the best features like Multichannel content management and AI Voice Assistant for creating dashboards and forecasting business trends. It has easy integration to various third-party marketing tools. Zoho offers a varied range of pricing based on the type of business.

HubSpot CRM

Hubspot is one the best cost-effective CRM solutions for small businesses. It is easy to use and offers a wide range of CRM tools to manage the customer journey. Hubspot had a user-friendly interface where businesses can see their entire sales pipeline right on their dashboard and also customize their dashboards to view all of their contacts, sales activity, and performance metrics of users or teams. Hubspot has been integrated with more than 300 apps and also with popular tools like Salesforce, Shopify, and Microsoft Dynamics. Hubspot offers forever free plans with limited features and can be upgraded to a paid plan for more powerful features.


Pipedrive is the best ease-to-use CRM Software for small businesses. Pipedrive is best known for its features like automated online transactions, customer prospecting, sales management, and Gmail power users. Its ability to completely customize the data fields and workflow gives tailor-made solutions to multiple problems faced in customer management. Pipedrive has different kinds of pricing modules suitable for all types of business growth plans. It has easy integration with Google apps, Trello, Zapper, and many more.


Freshsales is an easy-to-use CRM Software providing a sales-oriented approach with all features focusing on maximizing leads to conversations. The software uses AI-powered lead scoring to prioritize the leads that are more likely to convert. Businesses can set up their own custom workflow automation, get actionable insights into conversations, track events, and use the 360-degree customer view to see all the most important information from a single screen.

  • DRIP
DRIP CRM Software

Drip is one the leading e-commerce CRM Software, termed to be the best revenue engine for small businesses. Drip offers easy list segmentation, conversion tracking, content customization, purchase intent marketing. The software is designed to increase the bottom line of the business and help to generate leads and turn them into lifetime customers. The software comes with some of the best pricing packages according to the business type. Drip allows easy integration with third-party services and there are even workflows for social media lead generation.


Salesforce is one of the best CRM software available in the market for small businesses. Salesforce includes many advanced features and solutions for all the possible business needs like sales, marketing, commerce, customer service, and engagement, etc.  All these features can be used to create custom dashboards, reports, automatic email tracking, and meetings.  Businesses can use their intelligent marketing platform to drive more sales through emails and social media.


Constant Contact is one of the most widely used email marketing service tools and also an easy-to-use CRM software.  It has a very simple and easy-to-use dashboard where businesses can create emails, marketing automation, sales funnels and etc. Because of its simplicity and easy integration with eCommerce platforms, it’s very suitable for small businesses where they can store their contacts, manage customer information and add Third-party integrations from Constant Contact’s huge marketplace.


Coral CRM is another amazing CRM software UAE that has been widely used in recent years. The software is entirely customizable conferring to the requirement of clients. It provides the most powerful tools to accelerate the efficiency of sales and delivers the best customer experience. It provides custom-made solutions that suit all industries. The software is configured using AI, Machine Learning, BPM, BI, etc. which will help in providing actionable business forecasts and insights. This software comes with unique features like automated alerts and notifications, social media and lead sourcing, customized dashboard controls, and sales support.


Metadata is one of the most popular CRM software for real estate businesses. The software is built on a cloud-based technology that help’s in maintaining a good and sustainable relationship with the customers. Metadata is one of the cost-effective solutions which is helpful for all kinds of businesses when compared to other CRM Software in the UAE. Metadata specializes in property management CRM which is best suited for critical tasks in Real Estate businesses such as Documents, Payment Collection, Agreements/Renewal management, Property listing management and etc.  In the UAE, customers such as Sobha Hartland, Union Properties, Al Manal Development, etc. have all implemented Metadata CRM to improve their businesses.

Peniel Technology is an IT trading company catering Software like Tally ERP9 (New Tally Prime), CRM, HRMS, ERP, QuickBooks UAE, Real Estate Software, POS Software and many more all over the Middle East. We also tailor and implement software to make sure that clients get the full benefits of their enterprise software projects. Our team holds exceptionally trained people, which includes industry experts who are passionate to deliver the finest solution to the customers.

Note: We are not Ranking Above CRM’s we have just discussed Features of same.