Showing posts with label ERP System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ERP System. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Maintaining Sanity while ERP Implementation

The implementation of an ERP system is a significant task. It is costly, time-consuming, and hard for an IT department to do. Potential delays and costs are all too prevalent, unfortunately. The more you and your business prepare for it, though, the less of a strain it will be.

ERP deployment is, understandably, disruptive. Given that ERP systems have the potential to improve practically every facet of your organization, touching every single department and assisting your company in being more successful. Things that are good do not come easily, and if they did, they would be ineffective. Businesses must be honest with themselves and embrace the fact that it will be difficult. Prepare for interruption and choose whether you are prepared to accept it.

What is ERP implementation

In order to provide benefits like higher production and efficiency, an ERP system connects a number of corporate operations, including financial management, human resources, sales, and manufacturing. ERP implementation refers to the process of designing, configuring, and installing an ERP system. The procedure normally lasts a few months and is complicated since an ERP Software supports and automates several operations.

Spending countless amounts of money, time, and resources to replace an existing system with a similar one does not make sense if it is not meeting the demands of your business and replacement is a viable option. However, many businesses have done just that: purchased a new system and then tailored and/or modified it to appear, feel, and perform exactly like the previous system.

Maintaining Sanity while ERP Implementation

Avoid contaminated Data

Dirty data occurs when people disregard data entry rules, when data is entered inconsistently, and when codes and data standards “drift” over time.

There are two ways in which migration can occur:

  • Data in the legacy system can be cleansed before being moved to the new system.
  • Data may be cleansed on the route to the new system by creating data transformation matrices.

There is no really effective technique to rapidly and correctly dirty data that has been subjected to a ringer. Rather, sanitise the data in the legacy system before migrating it wherever possible.

Create a Project Management Plan.

Well-planned project management is required to meet corporate objectives, resolve challenges quickly and effectively, and ensure overall implementation success in ERP software UAE.

Before beginning the project, the project manager and implementation team should have a solid understanding of the company’s goals and best practises, which may have been set by higher management or other departments involved.

Determine your needs.

When selecting an ERP solution, look for software that is tailored to the needs of your company and industry. Look for functionality that addresses your main business operations and requirements. Spend some time documenting the existing pain points and challenges you and your team are experiencing with your present systems.

Solicit feedback from your team and priorities the effect of existing concerns. If you’re not sure where to begin, chat to the ERP software Dubai Provider you’re thinking about working with. They frequently have a wealth of expertise and suggestions on things to think about. Consider your connection with the ERP supplier to be a collaboration that can help your deployment succeed.

Best Practices to Work

Tailoring or altering the new system to be identical to the old one will not result in improved operational performance or different results. That type of endeavor would be tough to justify in terms of ROI.

Don’t reject “best practices” as being too mundane to need consideration. They are referred to as best practices since they are effective. And, if your rivals are utilizing them to effectively compete against your firm, adopting such practices may just put your company back into parity, because it is a terrific starting point for future changes that can propel your company’s success ahead.


Choosing the correct ERP software in UAE and successfully installing it remains one of the most difficult challenges for enterprises, as it demands meticulous preparation and the full commitment of all stakeholders.

Whatever ERP system you pick, the following are some best practises for its implementation:

  • Identifying as well as developing key performance indicators for each business process.
  • Putting together a project team to oversee the implementation process.
  • Creating a solid, methodical method for moving data to a new ERP system.
  • Creating a trustworthy work environment that allows for simple collaboration and feedback.
  • Maintaining staff training and support.
  • Gathering input and changing the implementation approach in response.
  • Creating a project management strategy to guarantee that the ERP system meets the demands of the organization.

ERP Software Dubai

Penieltech strives to empower small to large businesses by providing them with the most adaptable and affordable ERP Software in UAE. Through this ERP software, Penieltech gives you complete control over your business activities. From trade to development, we include all main sectors in Dubai and the UAE to provide tailored solutions that contribute to the industries’ quick growth. Whether you are a little business or a Fortune 500 corporation, we have the ideal ERP solution in Dubai to satisfy all of your needs. Click here to Free ERP Consultation.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Top 10 Key Features and Benefits of ERP System

 What is ERP Software?

Enterprises use such software to manage routine business operations like accounting, purchasing, project management, risk management, compliance, and supply chain management (ERP).

Enterprise performance management software, which aids in planning, budgeting, forecasting, and reporting an organization’s financial results, is also a component of a full ERP suite.

This program offers a wide range of crucial features that combine every division of a company to give a real-time view of data and tasks.

It effectively oversees departmental operations to improve decision-making and advance the organization.

ERP software solutions rank well among the greatest options accessible there when it comes to organizations of a large scale.

Features of ERP Software Dubai

Let’s discuss the top common features of ERP

1. Integration

The incorporation of software with any third-party app or software is what is referred to as integration.

With the aim of facilitating data sharing between various systems to increase productivity and insights, ERP offers integration tools that allow ERP to interact with other applications and/or systems.

This finally aids in streamlining your overall workflow, which boosts productivity and efficiency.

Every organization operates differently, so some additional supplemental bespoke software solutions could be required to interact with ERP software.

Today, silos for sales, engineering, accounting, and other bespoke software development companies are no longer viable.

2. Data Analysis

For a corporation to understand its business strength, a report must be prepared. But you must first acquire information in order to prepare this report.

Having a single ERP system allows all aspects of your firm to exchange data on daily operations.

Additionally, data can be broadcast to a number of streams, giving businesses access to real-time feedback for improved decision-making.

Production, operations, and finance departments have access to this data for every transaction that occurs in your company, including financial as well as operational ones like inventory control and sale payment.

Companies must gather as much data as possible, and present it in a way that is both visually appealing and easy to understand in order to stay ahead of the competition.

3. Customer Relationship Management

For every organization, managing customer relationships is the most important stage.

You must keep your customers satisfied if you want to succeed in business.

However, because of the complexity of this, you must rely on software. CRM functionalities are available in ERP software.

It broadens the perspective of the firm by incorporating all data related to customer relationships.

A shared, easily available database contains all client data, including contacts, order history, purchase orders, and also prospect status.

4. Reporting

Creating eye-catching images, compiling historical data, and helping to analyze and present your results are all part of reporting.

You must write a report in order to analyze the data. Many software packages offer this reporting capability. Almost any form of data can be used to make reports.

This comprises lead management, sales activity, marketing performance metrics, and contact management.

Businesses are using business intelligence solutions to assist them base important choices on data from both financial and non-financial key performance indicators.

Better reporting can enable executives and stakeholders to make business decisions that are more informed, such as improving how you manage your company and seeing issues before they arise.

5. Financial Management

Financial management is required in order to keep track of expenses and revenues for growth.

Organizations use accounting to manage assets, produce accurate financial reports, and improve spending decisions.

As a result, accounting software can be considered a part of ERP software.

Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Financial Reporting, and frequently Payroll are crucial elements of accounting.

Additionally, it gives managers access to real-time information.

ERP offers applications for supply chain management, inventory management, human resources, and eCommerce in addition to its accounting feature.

6. Sales and marketing

The ability to sell, upsell, create bids and buy orders, predict, manage commissions, and keep track of crucial information like profit margins and ratios is another advantage that ERP systems with integrated CRM provide to marketing and sales teams.

The ability to generate more leads, swiftly develop and implement campaigns, and monitor client activity throughout the sales cycle may be advantageous to marketing teams.

To deliver a great client experience throughout the whole sales pipeline, sales and marketing teams work closely with their counterparts in finance and operations to utilize ERP services.

7. Human Resources

The majority of ERP software includes some level of human resource management, although standalone solutions are more common.

These features enable the storage of employee data and the automation of processes affecting the people in your company, such as employee scheduling, hiring, and increasing productivity.

By enabling managers to more effectively allocate employee time and resources, HR capabilities in ERP software help your organization achieve its goals.

This results in a more productive and successful firm through improved employee record keeping and improved employee performance.

8. Manufacturing

Manufacturing has been the foundation of ERP as a function.

By helping with product planning, raw material sourcing, production monitoring, and forecasting, today’s systems improve manufacturing operations.

Manufacturing ERP - Penieltech

Modules for product tracking, distribution planning, shop-floor control, work order administration, bill of materials management, and assembly management are additional components.

The use of ERP manufacturing technologies improves a company’s capacity to automate and manage key inventory planning and forecasting choices.

9. Supply Chain Management 

Manufacturers, logistics companies, distributors, suppliers, and retailers may manage the flow of goods and services between locations as effectively and economically as possible with the aid of supply chain management (SCM) technologies included in ERP software.

This offers help from the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of a finished good to a consumer.

Demand planning, supply chain process control, as well as execution are all things that SCM features can handle end to end.

Most importantly, it took full advantage of cost-saving options to provide products from the vendor to the client.

10. Automation

An ERP system can automate payroll, order processing, invoicing, reporting, and other repetitive business operations.

Automation speeds up data entry, lowers errors, and frees up staff time for tasks that bring more value.

Due to the nature of ERP systems, information entered by one user is accessible to all users within the company.

So, for instance, when a specific SKU becomes available, an inventory tracking module may instantly initiate a shipment and invoice.

This results in increased income and improved customer satisfaction.

Or, to help them make decisions, line-of-business leaders may immediately receive the most recent statistics on cash flow and other metrics.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Get Answers to Your Top FAQs – Select Perfect ERP

 Businesses frequently are caught off guard when using enterprise resource planning software, also known as ERP.

Most organizations underestimate the work necessary to implement the selected ERP solution.

The business won’t see a return on its investment from the new enterprise software system if the program is not installed correctly.

For individuals interested in learning more about the best practices for ERP adoption.

erp software dubai

Let’s go through some key questions and their responses as a FAQ.

1. What is an ERP System?

Medium-sized and bigger businesses, as well as occasionally smaller businesses, employ ERP more frequently than other types of software applications.

ERP software focuses on integrating business processes into a single, simplified database and user interface by providing modules for each of the main business functions.

Including human resources, finances, inventory management, sales, and customer relationship management, in addition to other mission-critical features.

Instead of these databases and processes operating in silos, the primary objective of ERP software is to merge previously independent databases and operations into a single source of truth.

CRM, inventory management, and any other modules related to sales operations all receive transaction information when a customer puts in an order for a product.

2. Why do I need an ERP?

Given the state of the market today, manufacturers must have an ERP system.

Since it enables them to reduce costs, boost efficiency, and boost productivity.

Your financials, supply chain, operations, reporting, and manufacturing activities are all integrated into one system by an Enterprise software .

Which connects every division and component of your firm and aids in productivity growth.

Nothing else can save expenses, offer accurate real-time data, and streamline corporate processes as well as ERP systems.

ERPs enable improved shop management, which lowers operational and administrative costs.

Your costs will decrease as a result of increased efficiency, which will help you manage labor costs, supply chains, and inventory.

You can continuously monitor, manage, and perfect your shop thanks to real-time data from your ERP.

Because they are the finest means to establish visibility and connectivity throughout your business.

Enterprise software’s are also the cornerstone of Industry technologies for manufacturers.

You must establish a solid foundation for your shop with the appropriate ERP.

Before utilizing these new technologies to their maximum potential.

3. What Makes an ERP System Better Than a Collection of “Best in Class” Tools?

The solution to this query is not straightforward.

In some situations, a best-in-class solution may be preferable to an ERP system’s similar capability.

Few, if any, situations will allow a group of best-in-class systems to outperform an ERP system.

ERP is typically regarded as having strengths in the following areas:

manufacturing, planning, buying, selling, inventory management, warehousing, and finance (although some accountants would argue that point).

The majority of ERP systems do, however, also include extra capabilities for

  • Project management,
  • Engineering management,
  • Service
  • Quality,
  • CRM, and other specialties.

It often doesn’t make sense to have fully different systems for purchasing and sales and finance and well, you get the idea.

Since ERP basic functionality is typically what a firm is looking for.

Most businesses will strategically look for a basic system that meets the majority of their needs before choosing additional software to handle tasks that demand more specificity.

It usually boils down to determining whether the ERP capability is adequate before deciding whether to employ a best-in-class system.

The capability of an ERP system might not be sufficient for an automobile, food, or medical business where quality could make or break the company.

These businesses may then consider a piece of software that entirely satisfies all of their requirements before integrating it with their ERP software.

The ERP system may offer great functionality for another organization that only needs to perform a yes/no/reject decision at the beginning or conclusion of the production process.

Any process that uses specialized software can benefit from this similar line of thinking, including

  • CRM,
  • Engineering,
  • Product lifecycle management,
  • Financial consolidations,
  • Service,
  • Manufacturing execution systems (MES),
  • Warehousing management systems (WMS), and others.

4. How do I choose the best ERP for my company?

The correct ERP, in other words, is all about fit and will differ according to your industry, size, spending capacity, and needs of your company.

The most acceptable option for the plant across the street might not be the best one for you.

While hearing from other manufacturers about their experiences with an ERP is valuable.

You need also carefully consider your company’s needs and abilities to identify the appropriate ERP for you.

You can start researching ERP companies to get the best option for your company.

Once you have critically thought about your shop.

Write your needs down as actionable things have shown to be the most effective strategy to assist manufacturers in focusing on their needs.

By the time you’re done, you’ll know exactly what your company requires and be able to locate a solution that works for you.

A little extra work upfront will pay off in the long run by preventing you from choosing the incorrect system and making costly mistakes.

5. What Steps Are Required for Successful ERP Implementation?

An ERP’s ability to support specific business objectives makes the difference between one that simply works and one that offers great investment returns.

ERP software selection and implementation are two distinct processes.

However, choosing an ERP that is a good fit for your company’s objectives greatly improves the likelihood of a successful ERP deployment.

  • Choose the ERP program that most closely matches the aims and procedures of your company.
  • Draw a map of your company’s interactions with the ERP system, taking into account customizations.
  • Make a detailed budget and timetable for implementation that includes measurable targets.
  • Establish a change management team to handle ambiguities, unforeseen problems, and resistance to new business procedures or IT systems.
  • Form a group of stakeholders, such as department heads and end users, to handle different aspects of the ERP deployment, such as offering or assisting with training.
  • Data that will be imported from old systems into the new ERP database should be cleaned and organized.
  • To prevent scope creep and the disruption of business productivity, stakeholders should be updated on the implementation process at each stage.

The essential processes are the same regardless of industry, yet successful ERP deployments will differ slightly depending on verticals and business requirements.

6. What qualities should you prioritize finding in an ERP?

Your industry and business will determine the features you require.

Finding the ideal Enterprise software for your needs is crucial, and we cannot emphasize this enough.

The priorities that are most important to you and your company may not always be the same as those of other businesses.

Always refer back to the list of action items you created for your firm when considering features.

We’ll provide you with a useful list of features below, but keep in mind that your business is the main focus.

As a result, the following are some of the most essential Enterprise software capabilities for custom manufacturers:

  • Planning for manufacturing resources.
  • Strong inventory control.
  • Management of the shop floor and scheduling.
  • ERP and CAD integration
  • Accounting with full integration.
  • Managing relationships with customers.
  • Both business intelligence and analytics.

Today’s ERP systems are quite reliable and provide a wide range of tools, features, and capabilities made specifically to address the special requirements and difficulties faced by custom manufacturers.

Everything you require to manage your custom manufacturing business should be included in a good manufacturing-specific Enterprise software solution, including more common features.

Like MRP, inventory management, and accounting as well as features that are specific to your requirements, like CAD integration, shop floor management, advanced reporting, and business intelligence tools.

7. What does it cost?

Answering this question is challenging. Enterprise software pricing is tough to discover because most businesses don’t often make this information available to the public.

Direct comparisons are challenging since different businesses will employ various pricing strategies.

A system’s implementation and up-front costs are typically combined with yearly licensing, product, or service fees.

The system’s overall cost will depend on your company’s requirements, the number of users, the degree of customization you desire, and the amount of training and assistance you require for deployment.

Friday, September 16, 2022

ERP VS CRM: Which is Superior?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Software and customer relationship management(CRM) software are often the two main software options that businesses choose when attempting to automate essential business processes.


CRM UAE helps organizations manage how customers interact with their businesses.

While ERP connects financial and operational systems to a single database to help businesses run successfully.

Both are essential data storage facilities.

Both ERP Dubai and CRM encompass multiple departments, despite occasionally using the same platform.

The software is frequently bought separately and then integrated as needed.

To determine whether a firm requires ERP, CRM, or both, this article will highlight the important similarities and differences between CRM and ERP.

Let’s talk about customer relationships Management (CRM) –

Customer Relationship Management or CRM Software UAE is a piece of software that assists a business in connecting with current and potential clients.

This customer relationship management (CRM) program controls, automates and coordinates sales.

The goal of creating such an application is to bring up and delight prospect leads, which aids the company’s growth in sales and general performance.

Following are some key features of CRM :

  • All of the client services are centralized using this program.
  • This is utilized to oversee and manage the organization’s operations.
  • It helps in increasing the performance of sales.
  • Primarily focused on customers.

What is ERP?

Material needs planning (MRP), which allowed manufacturers to comprehend and manage all the resources required to run a successful business, gave rise to enterprise resource planning (ERP).

All elements of a company use ERP as a shared database.

Fundamentally, this refers to money matters, such as the general ledger (GL), payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial reporting.

ERP, however, encompasses data about service organizations as well as inventory management, order management, supply chain management, and data management.

ERP covers all aspects of production, distribution, fulfillment, and procurement.

Some ERP systems additionally provide e-commerce, CRM, and human resources management systems (HRMS).

CRM Advantages –

The main goal of CRM is to provide businesses with a single location to store all client information and also to keep track of all customer interactions.

With this knowledge and the aid of analytics, organizations can make better choices regarding which consumers to target for increased revenue and the effectiveness of their sales teams.

And also it is the most effective way to provide customer service and more.

For instance, sales representatives will be able to respond appropriately if consumers they are visiting have open customer support tickets thanks to a centralized CRM system.

As an alternative, customer service can identify callers who are high-value customers or who have the potential to be high-value customers rapidly and direct them to the proper service tier.

ERP Advantages –

An ERP system’s advantages derive from having a single, common database for all operational and financial data.

This has a significant impact on reporting, including both routine monthly reports and special reports that leadership requests.

Employees may drill down into reports to find financial insights thanks to a single source of operational and financial data, eliminating the requirement for IT or finance teams to perform the research and reporting.

As a result, firms can take quicker, data-supported decisions that can affect a variety of factors, including profitability, potential for future growth, and organizational efficiency.

A quicker financial close is another advantage that businesses commonly list when switching to an ERP system.

At the end of each month or quarter, finance teams typically tabulate the results after accounting for all revenue and expenses, a process known as closing the books.

When using spreadsheets or basic accounting software, closing the books often involves a lot of human labor, data entry, and contacting several departments for financial data.

Companies have claimed shorter monthly close times thanks to centralized ERP systems that automate many of those procedures; this task may now only take a week or a few days.

Additionally, ERP systems greatly improve the financial controls within a firm.

Only employees with the appropriate job functions have access to critical information using a centralized system and role-based permissions, enhancing audit trails and lowering financial risk.

Difference between the ERP and CRM –

ERP software solutions assist businesses in managing their business operations.CRM is the name of the program that streamlines customer communications with the business.
All the processes are streamlined using a centralized system.The only channel for converting customers into potential clients is CRM.
The term “ERP super set” refers to SAP.It is a division of SAP.
ERP systems are more concerned with increasing organizational productivity and cutting costs.CRM solutions are centered on the interactions between customers and the business.
  • CRM software systems do not contain ERP components, however, some ERP systems contain CRM, while others do not.

Which one, ERP or CRM, is superior?

ERP software Dubai has features like

Accounting – It is one of the features of ERP; it offers multi-currency accounting capabilities as well as tax calculation, information, bank, and payment settlement tools

HR and Payroll – This feature enables you to create and manage employee payrolls and tax regulations.

Manufacturing – Using a production and planning system, ERP enables you to plan your inventory and material.

CRM – It also assists in organizing all client interactions and relationships for your business.

Projects – You can specify and assign tasks to projects, as well as record time for work performed on tasks, using this feature.

CRM software UAE has features like –

Businesses in the UAE use CRM software to track and analyze client contacts, as well as to generate reports that explain why sales are increasing or decreasing.

  1. CRM Dashboard – The Customer Relationship Management or CRM software UAE Dashboard will offer you a brief overview of all the significant sales statistics and metrics, goals to be met, and also the productivity of all of your company’s sales leaders.
  2. Lead management – This section has to be updated with all of the leads that the sales representatives have generated. Also, this allows you to keep track of every possible consumer and their pertinent data.
  3. Opportunity management in CRM – The marketing team’s produced leads can be qualified and advanced to the opportunity stage. You may now screen out potential clients and the deals they are interested in. Thus, the sales team can communicate with customers directly and provide them with product estimates.

ERP software Dubai can manage Accounting, HR and payroll, sales and purchasing, projects, and customer management. Because some ERP software includes CRM so you can manage the customers also. However, CRM can only manage the relationship with customers.

Friday, June 12, 2020

How ERP can help you build a Better Business?

ERP systems are an intense trend in the business arena these days. These incredible platforms are a sure shot way to inculcate productivity into your routine business operations. It is common knowledge that ERP software increases the efficiency and productivity of an organization. They are a comprehensive tool that gathers, edit, update, and manage all kind of information comprehensively. In-depth analysis and advanced reports help the organization make use of this data to make clued-up decisions that lead to the accomplishment of organizational goals that leads to a win-win situation.
ERP systems are designed to boost performance parameters and can strengthen your brand’s presence in a highly competitive market. There is no disbelief that the software is the outlook of business technology that gets the best solution to eyewitness a drastic transformation of workflow management.
When an organization or business can opt to implement or upgrade their ERP system?
· Times of growth: Is your organization growing, has grown, or is planning to grow significantly- Opt for ERP system that can make your journey of success easy.
· Issues with operations: The organization needs ERP software to better manage processes.
· Mergers or acquisitions: when an organization needs to streamline systems across companies
· Old legacy systems: Choose ERP when an organization’s current system is old-fashioned and not available for upgrades, or no more serves the business and users effectively.
· Strategic road-map: ERP solution required when an organization with progressive executives have outlined a trade technology road-map that includes a fresh enterprise solution.
Let’s look at the benefits of ERP that companies have reported after implementation.
An ERP system Dubai can endow with vast benefits to a business. Here are a slew of measurable and noticeable benefits as well, including:
  • Amplified Efficiency — by providing clearer visibility, both the employees and employers can decrease time and ensure that clocked-in employees are always working on the right job.
  • Decreased Expenditure — the ERP system UAE reduces overall costs by reorganizing many of the processes in a company that goes through from beginning to completion.
  • Paperless Operations — having every data or document at your fingertips in the system and easily accessed from every location eliminates the need for printing and wastage of papers.
  • Better-Informed Decisions — ERP gives users a bird’s eye view of all the aspects of business processes at any time.
  • Better Inventory Management — The software helps in assigning numbers or bar-codes to every component of a finished product and allows users to make out where every quantity came from, where it is, and, where it’s needed in real-time.
Your Business can be operated without ERP software, but if you want to see a positive change in business and experience overall growth, it is essential to take the essential steps in order to see the profit. We at Peniel Technology, help you in implementing ERP software with major benefits that you don’t want to miss out on. With 20,000+ users, Peniel Technology is the fastest emergent company that provides flexible, feature-rich, and cost-effective systems like Odoo ERP, Sage ERP, ERPnext, and Elate ERP. We are the top leading ERP Software Company in Dubai, UAE. We assure a cost-effective and customization solution along with highly efficient online support.